Grid, Volumes, Auto Scroll and MT4 Energies Trading Chart Shift Options in MT4 Software
The MT4 grid button on the charts menu option of the MT4 Energies Trading Software is used to draw grid lines as shown and illustrated below. A trader may prefer to trade with grids on the energies chart or not & will use this button key to show or hide the Grid.
The MT4 Grid button is shown below (Short cut for this menu is Ctrl+G)
Volumes in Energies Trading represent tick volumes or the number of times the tick for energies price changes during a particular time period. The more the tick changes the more the volumes. These volumes in Energies Trading are used to estimate the number of energies traders participating in the energies market.
Volumes are drawn as green bars below each energies candle-stick, and height of these green bars represent the tick volume for a particular candle-stick. ( Shotcut keys for Volumes: Ctrl+L )
Auto Scroll
Auto scroll option when activated will automatically scroll to the most recent energies candlestick bar for every energies chart that is opened. Therefore, the most recent information is displayed and as a trader you don't have to scroll to these recent energies candle bars every time you open a new energies chart.
Energies Trading Chart Shift
This MT4 Energies Trading Charts Shift button is used to shift the energies chart more towards the center, instead of the last candlestick being right at the right side of the MT4 platform, MT4 energies charts shift button will shift the most recent energies candlestick towards the center. Energies traders prefer to trade with most recent energies candlestick shifted toward the middle - this makes it easier to analyze the energies chart price movements when they are more towards the center.
For example, the MT4 Energies Trading Charts Shift button is shown below as an arrow pointing down, by pressing this MT4 energies charts shift button within the chart menus(highlighted below by a rectangle), the last energies candlestick will shift from the right and move up to this point as shown in the MT4 Energies Trading Charts Shift example shown and illustrated below.
MT4 charts menu options of showing grids, volumes and activating the auto scroll option for automatic scrolling to the most recent candlestick bar and also the MT4 energies charts shift button for shifting the last energies candle towards the center.