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Bears Power Oil Technical Analysis & Bears Power Oil Trading Signals

Created by Alexander Elder

Bears Power is used to estimate power of the Bears (Sellers). Bears Power estimates the balance of power between the bulls & bears.

This oil indicator aims at identifying if a bearish oil trend will continue or if the crude crude oil price has reached a point where it might reverse.


A Oil Price bar has 4 parameters: the Opening, Closing, High & Low of the crude crude oil trading price bar.

Each Oil Price bar either closes higher or lower than the previous crude crude oil trading price bar.

The highest crude crude oil trading price will signify and show the maximum power of the Bulls within a crude oil trading price period.

The lowest crude crude oil trading price will signify and show the maximum power of the Bears within a crude oil trading price period.

This oil technical indicator uses the Low of the crude crude oil price and a Moving Average (Exponential)

The moving Average represents the middle ground between sellers and buyers for a certain crude crude oil trading price period.


Bears Power = Low Oil Price - Exponential Moving Average

Bears Power Crude Oil Indicator – Bears Power CrudeOil Technical Indicator Analysis in Oil Trading - Bears Power Oil Indicator – Bear Power Technical Oil Technical Indicator

Oil Technical Analysis & How to Generate Oil Trading Signals

Sell Crude Oil Trading Signal

A sell oil signal is generated when the oscillator moves below Zero.

In a down oil trend, the LOW is lower than EMA, so the indicator is below zero & Histogram/Oscillator is located below zero line.

Bears Power Technical Indicator Sell Oil Signal - Bears Power Oil Technical Indicator Analysis in Crude Oil Trading - Bears Power Oil Indicator – Bear Power Technical CrudeOil Technical Indicator

Exit Oil Trading Signal

If the LOW moves above the EMA then it means that crude crude oil price are starting to rise, the histogram rises above the zero line.

Bears Power Technical Indicator Buy Crude Oil Signal - Bears Power CrudeOil Technical Indicator Analysis in Oil Trading - Bears Power Crude Oil Indicator – Bear Power Technical CrudeOil Technical Indicator

The Triple Screen method for this indicator suggests identifying the crude crude oil trading price crude oil trend on a higher chart interval (like daily time frame) and applying the bears power signals on a lower chart interval (like hourly time frame). Signals are traded according to the lower time frame but only in the direction of the long term oil trend in the higher chart time frame.