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Where Should I Place a Stop Loss Gold Order using Gold Trend Lines?

Determining Where Should You Place a Stop Loss Gold Order using XAUUSD Trend Lines?

XAUUSD Trend Lines

A Gold trend line can be used to set stop losses where the stop loss order is set just below the trend line.

As long as the trend line holds a gold trader will be able to continue making profits while at the same time set this stop loss order that will lock his profit once the trend line is broken.

Example of where to set stop loss orders using Gold trend lines.

Where Should I Place a Stop Loss XAUUSD Order using XAUUSD Trend Lines? - How Do You Interpret Good Stop Loss Gold Trading Order Setting Percent? - How Do You Interpret XAUUSD Trend Signals in XAUUSD Trading Chart Signal?

Where Should I Place a Stop Loss Gold Order using Gold Trend Lines? - Setting Stop Loss Gold Order below the Gold Trend Line


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