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Gold Trading Register Procedure Gold Trading Login Procedure

How to Login to XAUUSD Trading Account

To login to your MT4 gold trading account; Open the MT4 platform and at the top left corner of MT4 click "File" then click Login as shown below:

Login to XAUUSD Trading Practice Account on MT4 Software - Gold Trading Account Register Procedure XAUUSD Trading Login Procedure - MT4 Sign in Online Demo MT4 Sign in Password Gold Trading Demo Account - Login to a Demo MT4 Gold Trading Account on MT4

Login to Gold Trading Practice Account on MetaTrader 4 Software

The following MT4 popup widow will popup prompting you to enter your gold login details and gold trading password. Enter the gold login and gold trading password details as shown below and save the gold login information by checking the "save account information" button so that there is no need to retype the next time you want to gold login to your MT4 platform.

XAUUSD Trading Login to XAUUSD Trading Account on MT4 - XAUUSD Trading Account Register Procedure Gold Trading Login Procedure - How to Login to Practice Trading Account on MT4 Platform - Gold Trading Login to a MT4 Gold Setup Account

Gold Trading Login to Gold Trading Account on MT4

Enter gold login details as below and login

XAUUSD Trading Login to Practice XAUUSD Demo Trading Account - XAUUSD Trading Account Register Procedure XAUUSD Trading Login Procedure - How Do You Login to a Demo MetaTrader 4 Gold Trading Account on MT4? - Login to Demo Gold Platform MetaTrader 4 Account

Gold Trading Login to Practice XAUUSD Demo Trading Account