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What is Difference Between NDD and DD Gold Trading Account?

NDD XAUUSD Trading Account vs DD XAUUSD Trading Account

NDD Gold Trading Accounts

NDD stand for Non-Dealing Desk gold trading execution of orders, these NDD Gold Account brokers don't implement a dealing desk this makes this type of trade order execution to have less trading restrictions as opposed to the Dealing Desk Execution.

NDD Execution means that trades from the traders account will be executed direct to the interbank exchange gold trading market. The orders will be matched with other orders in the online gold market using the broker Non Dealing Desk order execution model.

DD Gold Trading Accounts

DD stands for dealing desk, these DD account gold brokers have a dealing desk where they can match orders & execute gold order in the online xauusd market.

The gold trader trading with a DD account will get a lot of requotes.

Dealing Desks will issue gold traders with a lot of order requotes, meaning xauusd prices of orders aren't realtime and the broker can requote a gold trader's order if the xauusd price of the xauusd market changes quickly enough before broker's dealing-desk places the order online or before they match the order in the online xauusd market.

Dealing Desk accounts therefore means that order execution of gold orders is not instant & therefore this execution model might mean that orders executed using a DD Gold Account are not executed as quickly as when compared to an ECN account or an STP account.

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