What is a Pullback?
The commodities price of a commodity instrument does not move up or down in a straight line. Instead the commodities price moves up or down in a zigzag pattern called a commodity trend - in this pullback pattern the commodities price moves upward in a commodity trend then it retraces before resuming the commodity trend direction - in a downward commodity trend the commodities price moves downwards in the commodity trend direction and then retraces before resuming the commodity trend direction.
What is a pullback? A commodities price pullback is a pullback of the commodities price before the commodity market resumes the original commodity trend movement.
Example of Zigzag Commodities Price Movement: The example illustrated and explained below shows commodities price moving up in a zigzag pattern showing commodities price commodity trend and commodities price pullback.
The example illustrated and explained below shows movement in an upward market and commodities price pullback.
What is a Pullback? - What's a Commodities Pullback? - Commodities Price Pullback Described With Example
1-2: Commodities Price Moves Up - Commodities Trend Direction
2-3: Commodities Price Pullback
3-4: Commodities Price Moves Up - Commodities Trend Direction
4-5: Commodities Price Pullback
5-6: Commodities Price Moves Up - Commodities Trend Direction
The pullback of commodities price is explained on the above example - this represents a commodity pullback in an upward commodities trend.