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Mobile Phone Trading Platforms List - Mobile Forex Apps List

With the advances in technology & the coming up of smart phones that now have an operating system such as that of a PC or a laptop, it has become possible to come up with trading applications which can be installed on this phones - Mobile Forex Apps - MT4 Forex App Download.

Just like other phone apps now there is also an application for mobile phone traders which can be installed for trading currencies - Mobile Forex Apps Platforms List. Most popular phone platforms apps are - Trading Platforms List: MT4 mobile trader app platforms. MetaTrader 4 mobile Forex platforms are provided alongside the MetaTrader 4 desktop versions. Because most Forex brokers are MetaTrader 4 forex brokers and only provide the MT4 trading platform - most forex brokers will also provide the mobile forex app versions of this MT4 platform. The most commonly used phone trading versions are iPhone Forex App, iPad Forex App and Android Forex App - MT4 Trading Platform mobile forex trading versions - MT4 Forex App Download. These are the best mobile trading - Forex Apps platform versions to use as most mobile phones are either iPhones, iPads or Android phones.

But you should also know that the type of MetaTrader 4 mobile trader Forex App version you install should be compatible with your phone. A Forex broker will have several Forex App versions, for Example:

The 4 most popular and the best online Forex platform versions for mobile trading are:

iPhone Forex Phone App - DownloadiPhone Forex App

iPad Forex App - Download iPad Forex App

Android Forex App - Download Android Forex App

Windows Phone Forex App - Download Windows Mobile Forex App Version

Download Android Forex Mobile App Trader

Mobile FX Trading Platforms List - iPhone, iPad & Android FX Mobile Apps

MT4 Mobile Android Forex App Trader - Top Forex App Platforms for Mobile Phones

Download iPhone Forex Mobile App Trader

Mobile FX Trading Platforms List - iPhone Forex Apps

MT4 Mobile iPhone Forex App Trader - Best Forex App Platforms for Mobile Phones

Download iPad Forex Mobile App Trader

Mobile Trading Platforms List - iPhone, iPad and Android Trading Forex Apps

MetaTrader 4 Mobile iPad Forex App Trader - The Best Forex App Platform Mobile Phone Versions Trading Platforms List

All these mobile MT4 platform Forex App versions are only compatible with particular type of software or operating system of your phone.

The mobile trading platform Forex Apps are for traders wanting to trade from anywhere at any time.

I-phone Forex App Platform

The I-Phone Forex App platform is the mobile MT4 Forex Phone App edition of the desktop version. This Forex App version will also display real time forex currency quotes of financial instruments and forex currency charts where one can place forex trades and forex orders that include forex market orders and forex pending orders.

Where to Download Forex App From Your MT4 Desktop Platform Tutorial

Mobile Forex Apps - Trading Platforms List

Want to get a phone Forex App version of the MT4 Forex Software and trade with, then the screenshot below shows where to download these Forex App platforms directly from your MetaTrader 4 Software Desktop Version. Just Click the "Help" button on the MetaTrader 4 platform, Then Select the Option "Mobile Trading" and from the menu that appears select either iPhone Forex App, iPad Forex App, Android Forex App or Windows Mobile Forex App version.

Mobile FX Trading Platforms List - iPhone, iPad & Android FX Mobile Apps

MetaTrader 4 Forex Apps - Mobile Phone Forex Apps Trading Platforms List

Demo Account and Live Account

Just like the Desktop platform edition there is a demo account and a live account. All you have to is to download the Forex App platform and you can then open a demo account to practice with.

To install, one has to go to the Apple App store or Android Google Play and search for MT4, provided by MetaTrader 4, after downloading and installing the FOREX TRADING APP, navigate to " open practice account ", If you have a real forex account you can just proceed to login part.

On the sign in panel, before log in you have to specify the following: there is a "search field" on this search field a trader will have to put the name of their forex broker, but if you download the forex app from your Forex broker this field will by default have the name of your online forex trading broker.

Then Choose either 'Demo Trading" or "Live Trading'

Then enter the password and forex sign in details

Then begin mobile trading

MetaTrader mobile Forex App platform requires you have an I-phone 4 or 5.

main Features of the Mobile Forex App platforms are:

  • A trader can manage open positions, monitor capital and equity from the phone Forex Mobile App platform
  • A trader can monitor the news
  • A trader can place orders - buy stop, buy limit, sell limit, stop loss, take profit orders
  • A trader can close open trades from this Forex App
  • A trader can generate a trade transactions report from the phone Forex App
  • A trader can carry out technical analysis on the Forex App forex charts
  • The mobile trader Forex Mobile App platform also has security features

Just like with the desktop trading version, the mobile forex app version of the MT4 Forex platform will stream live forex quotes, plot forex charts where a trader can also add forex chart indicators. On this mobile trader Forex App platform a trader can place buy and sell orders, place stop orders, place pending orders & modify any forex trades as they would like. A trader can also generate all forex trade transaction reports and view them on these mobile Forex App platforms just the same way as they would on the desktop version. The only difference between this Forex App platform for mobile phones and desktop version is that this mobile trading Forex App versions are portable and a trader can access them and trade through their mobile phone from any part that they want.

The forex charts also can be scrolled from left to right and traders can place any MetaTrader 4 indicator on these forex charts they same way they would do it in a desktop MetaTrader 4 platform. The Forex App forex charts provided also include 1 minute chart, hourly charts, daily charts as well as the weekly forex charts and monthly forex charts.

With these mobile meta trading platforms - Forex Apps - all a trader requires to access them is their MetaTrader 4 account, the same account that they use to login to the desktop MetaTrader 4 trader platform. Beginner forex traders can also use their MetaTrader 4 demo account to practice on these forex meta trading 4 mobile platforms.

The MT4 platform for mobile is provided free of charge & a trader can download these Forex App platforms from the App Store or from the Play Store and one can download the app with name of their forex broker and start trading immediately.

The Phone Forex App trading platform contains 30 of the top forex chart indicators oftenly used to analyze forex currency charts.

Fore traders can also access news updates through their phone platforms - Forex Apps.

All forex currency pairs provided by your forex broker are also all accessible from the mobile phone software - Forex App.

The MetaTrader 4 mobile trader inter-face is also customizable and traders can customize layout to suit the layout that they want when trading forex.

The mobile traders Forex Apps use secure login with a password and touch ID access. Forex traders can manage their forex account in realtime after login to their accounts from their mobile phones Forex App and print any trade reports.

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