Types of Silver Traders: Scalpers, Day Traders, Swing Traders & Position Trading
Types of Silver Traders
There are different types of Silver traders. The type of a trader one is depends on the amount of time which they hold their silver trade transactions.
The different types of xagusd traders also use different chart time frames to place their xagusd trades.
The different types of Silver traders are:
- Scalpers
- Day traders
- Swing traders
- Position XAGUSD traders
Each type of Silver trader is explained below and as a beginner silver trader you can decide which type of Silver trader you want to be based on your trading personality and the xagusd chart time frame that you would want to be trading with.
Types of Silver Traders
The Silver traders who are scalpers hold on to their xagusd trades for only a few minutes. With the objective of making a small amount of pips in profit, 5 to 10 to 20 pips.
Scalpers are the type of Silver traders that make many silver trading transactions in one day and participate in silver trading during the busiest times of the xagusd trading market. A scalper silver trader can open anywhere between 30 to 50 xagusd trades per day.
Scalpers are Silver traders that can make quick decisions.
Scalpers use 1 min silver charts to put their silver orders. They use 5 minutes Silver chart time frame to determine the silver trend, if the silver trend is going up or down and to decide their entry and exit.
Scalper 5 minutes xagusd trading time frame xagusd trading strategy
A Scalper using 1 minute Silver chart time frame wants to go long, checks 5 minute xagusd trading chart, looks like the xagusd trading example explained and shown below, since it shows the silver trend is going up, the scalper will then decide it's okay to buy silver.
Types of Silver Traders - Scalpers - Scalping Silver Trading - Scalper Silver Trader
Types of XAGUSD Traders
Silver Day Trader - This type of Silver trader holds on to their xagusd trades for a few hours but not more than a day. With the aim to make quite a number of pips profit, 30 to 70 pips.
The silver day trader makes 2 or 5 silver trading transactions in one day, participating during the busiest times of the xagusd trading market and they don't hold their xagusd trade orders overnight.
These Silver traders use the 15 minutes Silver charts to put their silver orders. They use 1H silver chart to determine the xagusd trading market trend, if it going up or down & to decide their entry & exit.
XAGUSD Day Trader 1 Hour time frame xagusd trading strategy
A Silver day trader using 15 minutes silver chart wants to go long, checks 1H silver chart time frame, it looks like the xagusd trading example explained and shown below, since it shows the xagusd trading market silver trend is going up, the silver day trader will then decide it's okay to buy silver.
Types of Silver Market Traders - Silver Day Traders - XAGUSD Day Trading - Types of Silver Traders
Types of Silver Traders
Silver Swing Traders - This type of silver trader holds on to their Silver trades for few days to a week - With the objective of making a large number of pips in profit, 100 to 400 pips.
This type of xagusd trader makes an average of 2 to 5 silver trading transactions in one week, holding onto their trades overnight. Swing silver trading method requires silver traders who are patient.
This type of silver trader uses the 1 hour Silver charts to put their silver orders. Swing traders use the 4H silver chart to determine the Silver trend, if it is going up or down and to decide their entry and exit.
XAGUSD Swing Trader 4 Hour chart time frame xagusd trading strategy
A silver trading swing trader using 1 hour candlesticks silver charts wants to go short, checks 4 hour candlesticks xagusd trading chart, it looks like the xagusd trading example explained and shown below, since it shows the silver trend is going down, the swing silver trader will then decide it's okay to Sell/Go Short silver.
Types of Silver Traders - Swing Traders - Swing Silver Trading - Swing Silver Traders
Types of XAGUSD Traders
Position Silver Traders - This type of silver trader holds on to their silver trade for weeks or months. With the aim of making a big number of pips, 300 to 1000 pips.
Position Silver Traders place an average of 2 to 5 orders in a year, position silver trading method requires those who are patient, experienced and have huge account balances that can withstand huge draw-downs.
Position silver traders use 1 day or weekly silver charts to put their silver orders. They use weekly silver chart to determine the silver trend, if it going up or down and to decide their entry and exit.
Types of Silver Traders
Position silver trader using the daily candlesticks silver charts wants to go short, checks weekly silver chart time frame, it looks like the xagusd trading example explained and shown below, since weekly silver chart time frame shows the silver trend is going down, the position silver trader will then decide it is okay to sell - Go short.
Types of Silver Traders - Position Traders - Position Silver Trading - Position Silver Traders
Types of Silver Traders
The most popular type of Silver trader or the best Silver trader type is the day trader & scalper silver trader depending on the method of silver trading of each trader, but these two silver trading methods are the most widely chosen silver trading methods. Scalping xagusd trading requires those that can make quick decisions while silver day trading is for those who want their xagusd trades to run for longer and have more time when making silver trading decisions. When starting it is best to try silver trading scalping or silver day trading. This silver trading methods are the best because you do not leave silver orders open for too long. At the same time you do not leave xagusd trades open overnight and you can trade when you have time to watch the xagusd trading market movements. In Silver it is best keep silver orders open for as long as the silver trend setup is in your direction and exit immediately once the silver trend direction starts to reverse.
When it comes to the question about which type of silver trading style is used by the best Silver traders or by the top Silver traders the two silver trading methods above are the most commonly used silver trading methods. Silver traders can also automate these scalping or day trading styles by implementing their silver trading strategies using automated xagusd robots.
For silver trading swing traders, leaving silver trade transactions too long can also take up your profit and this silver trading method also requires a lot of skills so it is best to stick to the short term silver trading methods for most beginner Silver traders.
Position silver trading is not good as it requires a huge account balance & sometime it can result to huge draw-downs.
For silver trading swing trading & position silver trading methods, leaving a silver trade transaction open for too long, may mean these trades can reverse and move against you with a lot of pip movements and can even wipe your xagusd account, for this reason swing and position silver trading methods are not very popular. It is best to stick to silver trading scalping and silver day trading so as to better manage the funds in your xagusd trading account.
It is not recommended for the Silver trader who is a beginner to leave orders open overnight, it is best to always close open silver orders at the end of the day.
XAGUSD News Traders - Types of Silver Traders - XAGUSD News Trading - this silver trading news trader places silver orders during economic news release time, either guessing the news will be positive/negative or placing pending silver orders above & below the xagusd trading market xagusd price. XAGUSD News trading technique is risky as volatility is massive, whilst liquidity may be non-existent. You may not get filled or, worse, your stop loss might not be honored! XAGUSD News Trading technique can be very profitable for some silver traders but requires some skills.
Silver Trading Robot Traders - Types of Silver Traders - Automated Silver Traders - the xagusd trading robot trader - automated silver trader is the type of silver trader that uses automated silver trading programs known as xagusd trading robots - EA Expert Advisors Trading Robots to trade the online xagusd market. This automated silver trader will setup an Automated Silver Trading Robot on their silver trading platform and the automated robot will then open & close trades on behalf of the trader based on the trading strategy which has been used to program this automated xagusd robot. If you are new to automated xagusd trading and would like to find a trader using automated trading robots to help you come up with an automated robot, then you can find out more about automated trading on the XAGUSD Expert Advisors Article - MQL5 Silver EA Robots Forum.