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Line Studies Toolbar Menu on MT4

Sometimes traders will say "oh, I can not find Fibo expansion tool on my MT4 where can I get it?"

The thing is that all these line studies are located on the line studies tool bar: however, by default not all are set to display, therefore a trader must know where to get these tools that are not shown by default on the MT4 Silver Trading Software. So how can a trader add a tool, to the line studies tool bar shown below?

Line Studies Toolbar Menu on MT4 Software - XAGUSD MT4 Toolbar Menu PDF

Customize a Toolbar on Silver Trading Software

To add a tool not listed above a trader has to follow these steps

  1. Right Click at the toolbar button key to the left of this(Looks like a stack of coins)as shown below

How to Customize and Add Tools on The Line Studies Toolbar in MT4 Platform - MT4 Trading Tool Bars PDF

3. Click customize 4. Add all Tools

Following customize window pop up will appear:

Add Line Tools To The Line Studies Toolbar on MT4 Software - XAGUSD MT4 ToolBars Guide

Select all the tools from the left window & add them: After adding this will look like:

Customize and Adding All Tools to the Line Studies Toolbar on MT4 Software - XAGUSD MT4 Toolbar Menu

The tool bar will now look like:

All Tools on Line Studies Toolbar in The MT4 XAGUSD Software - MT4 Toolbar Menu on MT4 Platform

Explanations of Each Tool

Following is the explanation of each tool on this tool bar.

Explanation of All Tools on the MT4 Platform Lines Toolbar

1: Choose mouse as cursor, change mouse to the default cursor

2: Choose Cross-Hair cursor, a type of cursor that maps coordinates to the axis of the charts

3: Draw a vertical line

4: Draw a Horizontal line

5: Draw a silver trend line

6: Equidistant Channel

7: Silver Trading Fibo Retracement

8: Text button

9: Text Label Button Key

10: Silver Trading Fibonacci Expansion

11: Silver Trend by Angle

12: Linear Regression Channel

13:Standard Deviation Channel

14: Gann Lines

15: Gann Fan

16: Gann Grid

17: Fibonacci Time zones

18: Fibo Fan

19: Fibo Arc

20: Cycle Lines

21: Andrew's Pitchfork

22: Insert Ellipse

23: Insert Triangle

24: Insert Rectangle

25: Fibo Channels

26: Draw Arrows

How to Remove Tools from XAGUSD Trading Platform

As a trader you will not require all these buttons & you can hide some of them by clicking on the customize button, then select some of the items on the right window & then select hide.

How to Remove a Tool from the Lines Toolbar on MT4 Software - MT4 Trading Toolbar Menu

Remove the above tools by clicking on them & then clicking the remove button key, so as to save space on your MT4 xagusd trading platform workspace.

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