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How Do You in Silver Trade My MT4 Demo Silver Trading Account?

To trade on the Silver Trading MT4 platform you will need to begin with the basic tutorials used to learn about the MT4 Silver Platform Setup. These tutorials are illustrated below:

How to Open a Silver Chart in MetaTrader 4

Once you have opened a demo xagusd account the next step is to open a Silver chart so as to begin trading.

For this example let's begin with a blank screen on the MT4 interface.

To open a new chart from the xagusd trading example explained and shown below, click the "File" tab at the top left corner as shown below, then select the option "New Chart".

MetaTrader 4 XAGUSD Trading Platform Setup - How Do I Install XAGUSD MT4 Platform?

MT4 Silver Platform Setup - Metaquotes Software

After clicking "New Chart" a dropdown menu will appear with list of instruments that as a trader you can choose which to open. For example clicking the selection for Silver, clicking Silver will open the chart for silver.

MetaTrader 4 XAGUSD Trading Platform Guide - Learn Trading Platform Software

MT4 Silver Software Tutorial

Sign in to a MT4 Silver Trading Account

Before placing any trade on the MT4 xagusd trading software, you'll be required to login to your account and get authenticated before gaining access. Authentication is checking to see if the details you provide for User-name & Password are correct details.

To begin trading on MetaTrader 4 platform, just click on "File", then select and click "Sign in" button from the file drop-down menu as illustrated below.

How Do You in XAGUSD trade XAGUSD Trading on MetaTrader 4 Platform? - How Do I Login to Live MT4 Account?

How Do You in Silver trade Silver Trading on MetaTrader 4 Platform?

As a trader once you click this login button, then a window pop up will appear prompting you to input your Username and Password as shown and illustrated below:

MT4 XAGUSD Trading Platform Sign in - How Do You Login to Live Trading Account from MT4 Platform?

MT4 Silver Trading Platform Sign in - How to Trade with MT4 Silver Trading Platform

Once you in put your Username and Password you will then have to select the server: because this is a demo silver trading account, for this instance you will then choose "Demo", if it was a real silver trading account/live xagusd trading account then you would have to choose "Real" Server on this option by clicking on the dropdown arrow on the right side of the above text box.

Then tick the box "Save Account Information"

Then Click "Sign in"

Once you click sign in your details will be authenticated & you will then have access to your MetaTrader 4 xagusd account & when logged in to your trading account you can begin to trade & place new orders in the xagusd trading market on the MT4 platform. If you do not have login credentials you can get these details by registering a practice trading account with a broker.

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