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How Do I Load a Silver Trading Template on MT4 Platform?

How to Load MT4 Template Trading System

How to Load Chart Templates on MetaTrader 4

Open the silver charts you wish to trade. Once you are ready to load a template on these xagusd charts.

  1. Click 'Charts' Menu.
  2. Select "Templates".
  3. Select 'Load Template'.
  4. Enter the name of 'Saved Template'.

How to Load Silver Trading Chart Templates to MT4 Platform

How to Load a Template on a XAGUSD Trading Chart on MetaTrader 4

To load a silver chart template, go to the charts menu choose the templates button key & choose the submenu item for load template. This will load the named silver chart template on to the new xagusd chart as shown below.

Load a Saved Template to a New XAGUSD Trading Chart on MT4 - How Do You Trade Charts using Trading Systems?

How to Load a Silver Trading Chart Template

The named silver trading chart template is shown on the list above: this is a short cut for the available templates that have been saved. Another option can be to use 'Load Template', which is the second option marked as 'Load Template' on the template menu sub items.

XAGUSD Trading Remove a XAGUSD Chart Template from MT4 XAGUSD Platform

The third option in Charts template sub-menus is 'Remove Template': you can use this submenu item to remove any silver chart template loaded on the chosen xagusd trading chart.

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