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History Center on Tools Menu on MT4

The history center in MT4 is located on the tools menu. The history center will start to store data for every chart that you open on the MT4, This means that if you open the Silver M15 chart, then from that point on the MT4 history center will store information for this Silver time frame and every time you login again to the platform to trade this information will be updated with the most recent xagusd prices and will then stored.

History Center on Tools Menu on MT4 Software - Learn How to Trade Using MT4 XAGUSD Platform Software

This also means that for any other chart not opened on your MT4 the platform will not start to save data for that chart. For example if you only open M15 for Silver only information for M15 will be stored, and not for Silver 1H or Silver 4H chart. Therefore, if you want to start saving records for H1 and H4, then you must start by opening these time frames and the data will start to get saved from this point.

In the xagusd trading example explained and shown below, the Silver Time frames are Shown, However only M15, H1 and H4 Icons are marked yellow and Green meaning data is being saved and updated to the History center. All the others are Gray in color, meaning they have not yet been opened on this silver trading platform. To change this and have these charts start to update and have the xagusd price information saved, just open any time frame for the Silver, for example the 30 minutes and the Icon for this time frame will immediately change from Gray to Yellow and Green, do the same for all the others.

Download XAGUSD Price Data on to MT4 History Center - Trading MT4 Software Download

From the above example you can see the format that MT4 uses to store xagusd price data information as figures, these figures are the ones used to replicate the trading chart.

Why Use The MT4 History Center

Because of the format of storing data in figures it means that these figures can be analyzed using mathematical formulas and mathematical methods can then be used to trade the xagusd prices by analyzing this xagusd price movements.

These Mathematical methods are implemented for trading using computer programs. Computer programs will be programmed using these mathematical techniques and formulas. This will produce what in programming is known as algorithm, these algorithms are implemented on MT4 using programs known as Expert-Advisors - Automated Silver Trading Programs.

This Expert Advisors answer the question why the need for the History center? The information stored is used by xagusd traders to test their automated XAGUSD Expert Advisors to get an idea of how these EA Silver Robots would have traded & then determine whether they are profitable or not. If these are profitable, traders implement these automated systems on the real market, if not then the trader changes their mathematical formula and reprograms the algorithm, then tests this new algorithm with the same data on the history center until the time the trader will program an algorithm that's profitable enough to trade the live silver market and make profitable trades.

One of the methods of obtaining data to the history center is to download this information using the download button as shown and illustrated below: However, this downloaded figures tends to have gaps & give inaccurate information, therefore as a trader it's best to use data that has been downloaded by the platform itself after installing it. That means the information that is available from when you downloaded the platform & started to trade with it, even if it is a few weeks or a few months.

How to Download XAGUSD MT4 Platform Tutorial Guide for Beginners

If you want to start testing these Expert-Advisors then for every silver trade that you trade you must open that silver chart, as well as opening all the time frames of that xagusd trading chart, that is the following:

  1. 1 Minute - M1
  2. 5 Min - M5
  3. 15 Minutes - M15
  4. 30 Minutes - M30
  5. 1 Hour - H1
  6. 4 Hours - H4
  7. Daily - D1
  8. Weekly - W1
  9. Monthly - MN

When it comes to testing your Expert Advisor, select the start date as the date when you will execute the above operation of downloading all the data for these silver chart time frames and for different MT4 symbols also, so as to make sure your Expert Advisors are using correct data and give you the right results.

Because of this reason you should not download any data on your MT4, just use the data that is available after you open the charts as displayed above and begin from that point onwards.

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