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Different Types of XAUUSD Charts

Types of Gold Charts

There are 3 types of gold charts: Line gold chart, bar chart & candlestick chart.

XAUUSD Candle Sticks Charts - Types of Candlesticks Charts in Gold Trading - the candles charts use the same price data as gold bar charts (open, high, low, and close). However, they represent the charts in a much more easily identifiable way which resembles a candle with wicks on both ends.

How to Trade Candles Charts

The rectangle part of the candlestick is called the body.

The high & low are described as shadows & are drawn as poking lines.

Types of Gold Charts PDF - How Do I Interpret Gold Candle Patterns Analysis? - How to Analyze a Gold Trading Candle Pattern Analysis

Different Types of XAUUSD Charts - Types of XAUUSD Charts and How to Read Them - Types of XAUUSD Candle Stick Chart

The color of the xauusd trading candlestick is either blue or red

  • (Blue or Green Color candle) - Gold price moved up
  • (Red Color candle) - Gold price moved down

Most xauusd trading platforms like the MT4 platform, use colors to mark the direction of the xauusd price. Colors used are blue or green: - green gold candle when price moves upward, red gold candle stick when price moves downwards.

Line Charts in Gold Trading

A line chart in Gold draws the closing xauusd price of gold & connects this closing xauusd price to the closing xauusd price of the next trading period hence forming a continuous gold line chart which plots the movement of xauusd price movement.

Line Chart - draws a continuous line connecting closing xauusd prices of a on the xauusd price chart.

Types of Gold Charts - Types of Gold Charts Tutorial

Different Types of XAUUSD Charts - Types of Gold Charts and How to Read Them - Types of Gold Line Chart - Types of Line Chart in Gold Trading

Bar Chart in Gold Trading

Bar Charts are charts representation of the xauusd price displayed as sequence of OHCL bars. O-H-C-L represents OPEN HIGH LOW and CLOSE. The Opening xauusd price is displayed as a horizontal dash on the left & closing xauusd price as a horizontal dash on the right.

Types of Gold Charts - Types of XAUUSD Charts Tutorial

Different Types of XAUUSD Charts - Types of XAUUSD Charts PDF - Different Types of XAUUSD Charts - How to Trade Gold Charts

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