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DeMark Projected Range Gold Trading Analysis & DeMark Projected Range Trading Signals

Developed by Tom Demark.

This gold indicator is used to signal the potential high and low xauusd trading prices that a gold chart price is likely to reach.

This is referred to as the range projection and it is calculated using the open and the close xauusd trading prices of the most recent xauusd trading price period.

DeMark Projected Range Gold Indicator - Demark Projected Range XAUUSD Technical Indicator

DeMark Projected Range

XAUUSD Trading Analysis & Generating Trading Signals

This gold indicator will show two points, the projected high and the projected low of a specific xauusd price period. This will be used as the reference point.

Bullish Up Gold trend Signal

If the next xauusd trading price bar opens above the projected high then the xauusd market will continue in an upwards Gold trend.

Bearish down gold trend Signal

If the next xauusd trading price bar opens below the projected low then the xauusd market will continue in a downwards Gold trend.

Ranging Gold Trading Market

If the next xauusd trading price bar opens within the projected range, then this is a signal that the xauusd market will remain in a range base.

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Technical XAUUSD Trading Indicators