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Candlestick Gold Price Action Trading

How to Interpret XAUUSD Price Action Trading Using Japanese XAUUSD Candlesticks

The Japanese gold candlesticks techniques also have very many xauusd price action pattern formations that are used to trade Gold. These xauusd price action patterns have different technical analysis interpretation and the most common are:

Marubozu Gold Candlestick Pattern and Doji Gold Candlestick Pattern

Spinning Tops

Reversal Patterns

Inverted Hammer Gold Candlestick Pattern and Shooting Star Gold Candlestick Pattern

Piercing Line Gold Candlestick Pattern and Dark Cloud Cover Gold Candlestick Pattern

Morning Star Candlesticks and Evening Star Candlesticks

The above gold trading action xauusd price patterns is what makes the Japanese gold candlesticks popular among technical gold traders and it is why this type of xauusd price action xauusd trading analysis are the most widely used when it comes to analyzing the gold trading market. The technical analysis for these xauusd price action gold pattern formations in gold trading is explained in the above gold candlesticks xauusd price action tutorials.

What is a XAUUSD Candlestick?

Gold Candlesticks - is a xauusd price representation that uses the xauusd price data (open, high, low, and close of xauusd price). These candlesticks resemble a candle with wicks on both ends.

The rectangle part of the candlestick is called the body.

The high and low are described as shadows and drawn as poking lines.

Candlestick XAUUSD Price Action Trading - Candlestick Gold Price Action Trading PDF - Candlestick Gold Price Action Gold Trading PDF - Learn Candlestick Trading Patterns PDF - How Do I Read XAUUSD Candlesticks Patterns XAUUSD Strategies?

Candlestick Gold Price Action Trading

The color of the candlestick is either blue or red

  • (Blue or Green Color candlestick) - Gold Prices moved up
  • (Red Color candlestick) - Gold Prices moved down

Most gold trading platforms like the MT4, use colors to mark the direction of the gold candlesticks. colors used are blue or green; when xauusd price moves up, red; when xauusd price moves down.

Candlesticks XAUUSD Price Action Chart Vs. Bar XAUUSD Charts - Candlestick XAUUSD Price Action Trading PDF - How to Draw Candlestick XAUUSD Charts in Trading Platform

Candlesticks Gold Price Action Chart Vs. Bar XAUUSD Charts - Candlestick Gold Price Action Trading

When candlesticks xauusd price charts are used it is very easy to see if the xauusd price moved up or down as opposed to when bars are used.

Gold Trading candlesticks and xauusd candlesticks patterns are commonly used in xauusd price action trading strategies used to trade gold.