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Forex Basic Forex Guide - Online Currency Market Training Tutorial

Step 1: Computer with an online internet connection - Forex Basic Forex Guide

The first thing you need for basic forex trading tutorial is a computer with a fast inter-net connectivity. After this you need to setup for forex trading training by registering a forex demo account by going to your broker and opening a practice trading account. Then your currency broker will give you a link where you can download the free trading software popularly known as Trading Platform. A good platform to learn the basic forex trading tutorial in the online currency market is the MT4 Platform.

Step2: Online Forex Basic Forex Tutorial Training

Next thing which you need is a free online forex training guide like this one. A good Forex Tutorial training website will train you about trading basics, trading guides, indicators & technical analysis. Also other forex key concepts that you should learn like leverage and margin and Forex trading plan should also be covered within the training guide that you select. For These Courses and guides go to these Main Pages also available from the top navigation menu.

>-> Learn Forex Trading Lessons

>-> Trading Strategies

>-> Trading Indicators

>-> MT4 Guide

Step 3: Practice For 1 month

After learning these lessons or while learning these training guides you should practice your forex trading on the practice account that you registered for. Practice until you begin making profit on you trading. A good Place to begin is to trade with a trading system like this one . You can also come up with your own different trading system or strategy.

Step 4: Open a Forex Live Account

By now from these basic forex trading tutorial you will be making profits on your forex practice account. But your demo account profits are not worth a dollar even if you make 1 million profits in practice account. It is time to make this profit in dollars and cash. Opening a forex account requires that you first choose a good currency broker. There are also other forex brokers which you can choose from but make sure they are regulated by an international organization.

The basic forex trading tutorial on how to open an account will explain the account opening procedure - Opening a live account requires that you send supporting documents like Identity card and Utility bill to your forex broker to authenticate your document. After you do this your account will be activated and you can deposit money trade & withdraw the profits that you make.

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